该永动机列车巨型发电厂它拖挂 / 有99节车箱,每节车箱里安装了一台大型车轮发电机,合计共有99台大型车轮发电机,列车是用无穷电池起动,列车在运行中发电并能够及时自动给电池充电,发电机总功效/ Total Efficiency >91,所以能够永远运行和发电。它的发电量大约相当于一个巨型火力发电厂,能够供应和满足世界各国对清洁电能的迫切需求,它特别适合作为各大城市或科技大公司的当地自己的清洁能源发电厂,因为它能够就近当地发电和供电,可以节省大量的外地远程输电 / 供电的成本费用和它不需要外部提供动力能源,能够获取巨额的产品销售利润,它能够作为各个城市或各个国家自己的无穷电能资源的宝藏;它也能够作为永动机高速客运列车,永动机普客列车,永动机货运列车,永动机迪士迡 / Disney 游乐列车,等等。该发明的专利申请经过长达五年的激烈辩论,终于取得了最后行动/ Final Action 辩论的胜利!
电话: + 1 (613)975-1025 手机: +1 (613)501-2819
Email: shexiaodong1@Perpetualmotiontrainspowerplants.com
Perpetual motion train power plant which is that use infinite power battery and infinite power generators to drive train, so the train can driving
unceasingly and permanently, the train doesn't need charge electricity from outside, It has 99 节车箱 / 99 trunks of train And total installed 99 台大型发电机 / 99 big generators,
that can producing very huge electric energy, probably equal a super fire-power plant, the electric energy is supplying local city, local county and
electric power markets in all over the world. The perpetual motion trains power plants they can belong to every city's or every county's own
local resources of electric energy and as perpetual infinite energy treasures and sources of infinite wealth. At the same time, produced the
serial of products: Various of the perpetual motion electric vehicles.
Various Vechicles